
I'm Rebel

Designer, Coach, and Entrepreneur...

I've helped thousands of clients and traveled to over 80 countries, studying and teaching Harmony...

Perhaps like you, I wanted to become my best self...inside and out. But it was a struggle. 

I'd stare into my closets full of clothes and usually felt that it didn't look quite "right". This was very frustrating. 

I went in search of experts whom I thought would have the answers. Most had some good advice -- none of them had an overall system or complete solution.

Unable to find it -- I made it my mission to create my own system -- and it worked!  Since I've seen so much success with it that I just had to share it with others.  But before we had advanced technology each person had to travel to me.

Now we have the ability to analyze your personal Harmony Pattern online and coach you from anywhere in the world with a comprehensive solution that leads to success and transformation. 

I believe that 

everyone deserves success and the power of Personal Harmony.

And I've spent nearly 30 years helping 6,700 women and men, in companies and in my centers to achieve personal harmony and results of increased confidence, stronger self-esteem, more professional success and greater personal satisfaction.

Why I do it

My goal for you is to help you identify who you truly dream of being -- and lead you to discover and express the best authentic YOU


When I started teaching and working with my clients, I quickly found out how it changed lives. Then when I began speaking to social and community groups -- later companies began to call me.  Over the years,  I've used this system to design clothing lines for women, create a Rebel Holiday cosmetics line for our clients, choose the colors for contact lenses, and more.

I've enjoyed assisting over 270 entrepreneurs who were designing or growing their companies to present themselves in alignment with their mission.  I've studied and applied NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) to support my clients in making the inner aspects line up to achieve their desired success.  It's all a pleasure to see people have happier and more fulfilled lives.

Work With Me

Words from our friends

Eileen Crossley

Learning about my Harmony Pattern has made such a difference in how I look and how I feel about myself. 

Samantha Brooks

I used to have a lot concern about being as expressive as I like to be. Now that I understand it's really who I am -I'm happy being me.

Sara Alvarez

I like a natural style and I found out why it looks good on me - plus other options that I did not know I have!

Let's Get You Started

This Mini-Course gives you a strong foundation to discover and express your Style Messages.
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This program is to provide a place to build your dreams for your self, your creative projects, and your profession. 

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This Membership has many benefits including complimentary clothing reviews and special prices on programs.

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it's my belief that 

everyone should have the opportunity to achieve personal harmony.

This awareness is powerful -- many overcome self-doubt and recognize their harmony pattern. Let me show you how to maximize your look which will open the doors to lifetime of success and realizing your dreams.

Work With Me
While you are waiting to start your journey with us

Download our Free Guide: 



Fun facts about me


I'm an artist at heart.


I have traveled to 88 countries.


I love costume parties!


I speak 3 languages fluently.


People fascinate me.

I'd love to learn more about you, so let's get social! 

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